Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Nobody Wants Him"

A six foot three inch NFL superstar, weighing two hundred and twenty-five pounds goes from the top to the bottom in just a few years. How is this possible? How can someone ranked so high get tossed from team to team like a rotten egg? What went wrong? If I had the opportunity to remove someone from the public eye it would be Terrell Owens. Nobody wants a cry baby; their is only so much people can put up with no matter how great he is. This recently established Buffalo Bill, is not only an embarrassment to the National Football League, but a horrible influence on young athletes.

Terrell Owens, also known as T.O., is a money hungry professional athlete with no respect for the game or his teammates. T.O. has bounced around from team to team sharing a little bit of his disease with each of them along the way. Although he is a semi-gifted athlete, his record of disrespect makes him unwanted. After he requests a ridiculously large sum of money, T.O. goes to a team and destroys them. He plays head games with the owner, coach and all of his teammates. If things don't go his way he always makes a fuss. If the ball is not thrown to him as much as he thinks it should be, he complains. If plays are not developed for his personal gain, he complains. If he doesn't make catches, he claims the quarterback cant throw. All of these problems that T.O. complains about are things a real athlete will just forget about. A real athlete will realize that the world is not perfect and that there will be games that don't go their way. The disrespectful thing that he does to the NFL is the publicity stunts. He voices his opinion to the media disrespecting those around him, such as: team owners, coaches and teammates. He makes a mockery of himself and the league. Someone like this doesn't deserve to call himself a professional and surely shouldn't be broad casted in the media where he can influence younger athletes.

One of the first things coaches try to teach youngsters is character. They try to teach them how to play as a team and respect the sport. When T.O. blasts his bias opinions over the media he is ruining this lesson. Young athletes look up to this professional and view him as a role model. The influence that his outbursts have on the younger crowd is detrimental to their success. He is displaying that athletes can talk bad about their teammates and blame their mistakes on something else while still making millions of dollars. This message destroys the most important moral learned from sports. Who wants their children learning this type of character? If he was taken out of the public eye it would allow young athlete to learn good character.

The issue that leads me to the decision that Terrell Owens should be taken out of the public eye is the impression he leaves on young athletes, as well as the disrespect he has for the NFL. Teams need to shut T.O. down by leaving him jobless. The only thing that will come out of his association with a team is trouble. He will start drama which will tear the team apart. Everyone needs to take a stand and stop this overpaid headcase from ruining the NFL and the work ethic/character of young athletes.