Friday, October 9, 2009

Is this real...or false advertisement?

Should Nike be able to use this to sell their product?

People hate seeing commercials on their television. They always seem to interrupt the best part in the program that people are watching. The reason companies choose to advertise during this time, is because it sells their product. Each company develops a catchy slogan, jingle, or event to grab the viewers attention. In this video Kobe Bryant, a famous basketball player, hurdles over a car. Although most of this video is about a basketball player being able to jump, a little part of it causes Nike to get more business.

At the beginning of the video, the viewer will notice that Kobe picks up a Nike shoe and places it on his foot. After the crazy stunt is completed, and Kobe is successful he yells out, "Nike Hyper- dunks." This phrase places the success of the jump solely on the shoe and not the athlete. Nike can display this video as part of their advertisement for their new product. The stunt will catch the viewers attention and Kobe's phrase will sell the shoe. Every kid who sees the video will want the shoe because they think it will make them jump like Kobe. But is this jump even possible; can someone really jump a moving car? What if this jump is fake? Is this false advertisement?

Each person has their own opinion on whether or not Kobe really jumped over the car. Some think it may have just been Hollywood making the stunt look real. If this is the case, and Nike implies that the shoe is making the jump a success; then is this false advertisement?


  1. i think it is in the middle. If anyone believes that a shoe can make you jump over a car then yeah they deserve to go buy it and try it. thats my opinion.

  2. I honestly can't even tell weather it's real or not. But i get what your saying, kids love action and whatever makes them better at it, they will get.
    Good Job!

  3. Think about it... many things could have gone wrong in a split second. The MVP would have been assed out if he would have become injured. A stunt like this would be very irresponsible for such a high profile player, and this video itself pulls a lot of weight with the influences it has now seeded. Nike has made whores out of many a influential figures. Paid for a dirty deceitful act...

  4. I dont know dude, I dont know if it is real or not but I know Nike does this to get more attention to sell their products. I can tell you that the Aston Martin is not very tall and Kobe is pretty tall and athletic.

  5. I watched how to make it look like someone is jumping over the car.. haha It really made me mad so I found this weird video and it is like two clips together it was cool

  6. Have you ever seen those NFL clips, like "this is why I am NFL" or something. THis is what it reminds me of. Intense none the less, I wish i could do it. I mean if i could i would be doing it constantly... That maybe a good reason I can not.
