Thursday, October 1, 2009

Should America Inforce Capital Punishment?

When is justice fully served to those who have committed a bad dead? A famous quote from King Solomon says it all. He says, "Justice will only be achieved when those who are not injured by crime feel as indignant as those who are." This quote directly places sight on whether or not those who commit a crime are being punished enough to give the victim justice.

Some people feel that sentencing people to any form of capital punishment is wrong. These people believe in second chances and think that after doing time in prison, criminals can be released upon good behavior. Once in a "blue moon," this may be a possibility; but nine times out of ten its not the case. Minor changes in a persons life can easily be made. Someone can be taught to put their dishes in the dishwasher, or be respectful to elder. Even over a long period of time people cannot be taught, not to murder, or not to rape. A person that does something like this needs more then a little jail time. People that do this need to be treated just like they treated their victim. The victim deserves to know that the criminal who harmed them is being strictly punished. No one wants someone capable of committing a crime this bad back on the streets. It is one thing if their is doubt that the crime was committed by a certain person, but if their is significant evidence that the suspect did it, then they need to be punished right. The victim of the crime deserves justice.

If you were in the victims shoes, what would you want? Would you want the criminal to be let out on bail, after physically or mentally harming you in anyway? I believe that if someone murders a human being, then they need to be sentenced to the death penalty. A crime at this level does not need to be messed with. Why should we as tax payers, pay for this murderer to live? When these criminals are sentenced to life, we pay for their life. Our tax money goes to their room, meals, activities, and supervision. If these criminals are going to be in prison until they die, then why cant we save money and give them the death penalty? Our tax money should be spent on those kind hearted people that are raised well enough to know not to harm others. We shouldn't let criminals of this kind live in prison playing sports and receiving free meals. If the criminal thinks it is alright to treat someone the way that they did, then it must be okay to treat them in the same way.

Now that you know my outlook on capital punishment, how do you feel? Do you feel that capital punishment is justification for a major crime like murder or rape? If you were the victim, how would you want the criminal to be punished?


  1. You and Bethany have really similar blogs- you each took a stance on Capital Punishment and voiced the pros of it. I'm torn on this subject, because I can see the validity of your points but I can't seem to get over the fact that two wrong don't make a right. Also, historically speaking, so many innocent people have been killed in the name of justice for crimes they did not commit. It's rare that there isn't a margin of doubt in a conviction. Like I was commenting to Bethanie, I think one way to resolve this conflict would be to take away the luxuries these criminals are afforded. Murderers and rapists shouldn't be given the right to watch TV, work out on state-of-the-art exercise equipment, play basketball outdoors, and play pool. That sounds like quite the pampered life so someone who did something so evil. Keep their amenities at the bear minimum- food, clothes, and shelter. This lessens the money we have to shell out to house them while increasing the punishment factor.

  2. Chelsea, you make a great point. Taking away all of their luxuries would help take the cost down. I do know that innocent people get the death penalty, so maybe we need to work on our justice system and get them to make a more thorough investigation first.

  3. i believe that if someone does something wrong they deserve a punishment. if someone commits a murder they should get the same thing. if someone raped someone they deserve something in return, something that is as violating and disturbing like the crime they did.
